"But as for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteousness, of your salvation all day long, though I know not its measure." Psalm 71:14-15

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Hello all my blog followers, friends, lurkers, stalkers (eek). I just wanted to ask for some prayers for all you warriors out there! Matt's Walk to Emmaus is this weekend, please pray that God moves in his life according to His will. I was blessed beyond measure during my walk, and I pray the same blessing for Matt.

I also have several friends (who will remain nameless for their privacy) who are either searching for a job or worried about their job stability. Please pray for them in these uncertain times.

Lastly, I've become a bit of a blog lurker recently. I found this family through my friend Adair's blog. Their son, Stellan, is in the hospital fighting for his life. He was diagnosed in utero with SVT (extremely high heart rate) and they were told he would surely die. Miraculously, he was healed, born and has lived 4 healthy months. Now his SVT has returned and they have been unable to normalize his heartrate for nearly 3 days, it's often been over 300 bpm. They are a family of incredible faith, but they all need our prayers, including Stellan.

Prayers for Stellan


Ashley said...

I'm adding all requests to my prayer list! And I think it's okay to "lurk," especially when it involves saying prayers for people in need. :)

The Laney Family said...

I will be praying for him as he takes his walk to Emmaus. It is such an amazing experience. Cal and I did it together on a walk that is just the same- but call Cursillo... couples can go- it was amazing! I will be praying for your friends too- this economy is hitting us all really HARD! I know that all of our hearts are going out to baby Stellan- I know that God will do his will in thier life!

Ashley said...

P.S. I gave you a "Lemonade Award!" Check out the latest post. Cute little thing, it is. (Award, not my blog.)